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pubg new weapons

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작성자 Tony Shepard 작성일23-03-12 20:03 조회333회 댓글0건


Shotguns are the best weapons to use in close to mid-range combat. They have superior damage at the cost of distance and can critically injure even the most armored enemies if used wisely. However, we wouldn’t urge you pubg new weapons: to use shotguns as primary weapons as you will be at a distinct disadvantage. There are only two, LMG weapons in PlayerUnkown’s Battlegrounds at the moment and we’ll hopefully see some more in the future. These weapons are absolutely beasts due to their moderately high damage, fast firing rate and super large bullet capacity. The best thing to use these weapons for are to destroy vehicles quickly, if you have enough bullets. With PlayerUnknown�s Battlegrounds getting more and more popular with every passing day, it seems as if the developers want the game to cope up with its increasing popularity. Hence, Bluehole Studios is set to bring in a number of new changes into the game including the introduction of two all-new guns, weapon sights and a lot more.

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