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While your best chance at finding love is through a friend-which is how 63% of married couples say they met their partner-you still only have a 17% chance that you will like the person you’re set up with. Only 9% of women report finding a relationship, at a bar or club, and only 2% of men has made a relationship through that scenario.So where are people finding, love? Online dating statistics show that 20% of those in current, committed relationships began online and 7% of marriages in 2015 were between couples that met on a dating website. Although the maths is complicated, research has shown that your chance of picking the best date is highest if you reject outright the first 37%. You should then choose to date the next person that's better than all the previous ones. Similar to eharmony, (but much more affordable) OK Cupid matches users based on an extensive questionnaire and an algorithm-based matching system that links you up with compatible potential dates. It’s a fairly successful and decently accurate system if you’re willing to be really honest about what you’re looking for and who you’re interested in.

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