'one Piece' Season 2 Scripts Are Finished, Producers Say > 자유게시판

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'one Piece' Season 2 Scripts Are Finished, Producers Say

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작성자 Candelaria 작성일23-10-12 17:54 조회63회 댓글0건


The collection stars an ensemble cast including Iñaki Godoy, Emily Rudd, Mackenyu, Jacob Romero Gibson, and Taz Skylar as the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, centered around Godoy's Captain Monkey D. Luffy. With the sixth season of wrapping up proper across the same time because the fifth anniversary of its sequence premiere, fans of the series may be thinking about trying out different shows with an identical vibe. The collection as quickly as once more tells the tale of Monkey D. Luffy (Iñaki Godoy) and his journey to become the King of the Pirates by assembling a crew referred to as the Straw Hat Pirates and journeying to the Grand Line to find the One Piece — a mysterious treasure belonging to the notorious pirate Gol D. Roger.

After rescuing and recruiting Roronoa Zoro (Mackenyu) as the primary member of the Straw Hats, they set off on a journey to the Grand Line. They soon join forces with Nami (Emily Rudd), a thief and navigator with a dream to attract charts on the Grand Line; Usopp (Jacob Romero Gibson), a marksman and serial liar with a dream of changing into a brave warrior; and Sanji (Taz Skylar), a chef with a dream to find the legendary All Blue. Now all Luffy has to do is persuade his would-be new pals to take a chance on their goals... And cope with the ocean of enemy pirates and marines between them and their targets.

Summary The live-action adaptation of the Japanese manga series of the identical name follows Monkey D. Luffy (Iñaki Godoy) as he leaves his small village to collect a crew to search out "One Piece" - the treasure that will make him King of the Pirates. One Piece is an American/Japanese fantasy/adventure/comedy collection based mostly on the long-running world smash-hit manga of the identical name by Eiichiro Oda, as nicely as the primary live-action entry in the franchise. Directors for the primary season embody Jobst, Southam, Emma Sullivan, and One piece chapitre Berserk 2023 Josef Kubota Wladyka. Adelstein says the next step to proving "One Piece," which "plays like an enormous $250 million tentpole film," deserves a second season is sustaining these preliminary massive viewership numbers by bringing in audiences that weren’t conversant in the manga or anime its based mostly on prior to launch and wouldn’t have tuned in instantly.

Rewatch all episodes of the live-action sequence, as properly as the anime series and fan-favorite ONE PIECE films on Netflix. Though manufacturing on a potential second season wouldn't be succesful of start until the SAG-AFTRA strike towards the AMPTP has been resolved, Tomorrow Studios president Becky Clements says as quickly as they’re allowed to get going once more, Season 2 may launch as early as next yr. "We’ve obtained scripts prepared," Marty Adelstein, CEO of Tomorrow Studios, which produces the live-action "One Piece" in partnership with manga creator Eiichiro Oda and publisher Shueisha, told Variety Thursday. When we last see the Straw Hats, Luffy receives information that he has the best bounty on his head out of anybody in the East Blue.

The franchise follows younger pirate Monkey D. Luffy (Iñaki Godoy) as he sails across the seas with his Straw Hats gang seeking the mysterious One Piece treasure. One Piece (stylized in all caps) is a fantasy adventure tv collection developed by Matt Owens and Steven Maeda for Netflix. The series is a live motion adaptation of the manga sequence of the identical name by Eiichiro Oda, who served as a significant inventive consultant on the present. It is produced by Kaji Productions and Shueisha (who additionally publishes the manga).

Showrun by Matt Owens and Steven Maeda, "One Piece" takes place in a fantastical world where pirates and marines battle for control over the Blue Sea. Young boy Monkey D. Luffy (Iñaki Godoy) grows up aspiring to be the next king of the pirates, despite his lack of ability to swim — a side impact of the magical "Gum Gum" Devil Fruit he ate as a baby, which gave him an awfully stretchy physique as a present from the ocean, along with the curse that he can not survive in its waters. ONE PIECE is the No. 1 title globally on Netflix with 37.eight million views amassed in less than two weeks since its launch. Certified Fresh with a 96% Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes from 10,000+ scores, it’s among Netflix’s highest audiences scores ever. A social media sensation with more than 4 billion search impressions for #onepiecenetflix on TikTok alone, ONE PIECE continues to generate buzz and development globally throughout social platforms. Talent Instagram followings have soared, including tens of millions of followers over the past couple of months.

His victory over the Arlong Pirates lastly makes him an actual pirate, however that additionally implies that he and his pals are in great hazard. Leaving the East Blue behind, they’re off to overcome My Hero Academia 2023 the Grand Line to proceed their seek for the One Piece. The second season of the Apple TV+ comedy follows Aniq and Zoë to a wedding at which the groom will get killed, organising another whodunnit.

The forged additionally includes Peter Gadiot as Shanks, Vincent Regan as Garp, Morgan Davies as Koby, Jeff Ward as Buggy, Aiden Scott as Helmeppo, and My Hero Academia 2023 Ian McShane as the narrator. Most of the anime's voice actors reprise their roles within the Japanese dub as well.

On the heels of its splashy debut, the producers behind Netflix’s "One Piece" say scripts for a potential Season 2 are accomplished and that the next season could probably be "ready to air" in a yr, as quickly as manufacturing is ready to start. The live-action pirate adventure is created in partnership with Shueisha and produced by Tomorrow Studios and Netflix. Matt Owens and Steven Maeda are writers, executive producers, My Hero Academia 2023 and showrunners. Godoy stars as Luffy, Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro, Emily Rudd as Nami, Jacob Romero as Usopp, and Taz Skylar as Sanji. While Netflix has already touted the success of "One Piece’s" Season 1 launch on its weekly Top 10 listing, where it got here in at No. 1 on the English-language TV series after its first 4 days of availability with 18.5 million views, word on a Season 2 renewal has not but arrived.


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