Tigre fans mistakenly stone THEIR OWN team's bus > 자유게시판

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Tigre fans mistakenly stone THEIR OWN team's bus

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작성자 Catherine 작성일23-04-12 23:47 조회98회 댓글0건


Argentine fans mistakenly stoned their team 's bus while they were en route to play Brazil's Sao Paulo in a Copa Sudamericana group match on Thursday.
With a history of bad blood between the teams following the controversial final of the 2012 tournament, there was heavy police presence for the showdown, which Sao Paulo won 2-0 thanks to a brace from Erison.
Tigre midfielder Agustin Cardozo flagged up the incident on Instagram, uploading a photo of a stone in his hands with a broken window in the background and the caption 'it's us'.

Although he later deleted the post, Argentine media outlet TyC captured video footage of the damage to the vehicle.
In the 2012 final, Sao Paulo were leading 2-0 and were awarded the win after the referee called off the match in the second half due to Tigre players refusing to come out onto the pitch.
Tigre midfielder Agustin Cardozo flagged up the incident on Instagram, uploading a photo of a stone in his hands with a broken window in the background and the caption 'it's us'.
Sao Paulo beat Tigre 2-0 in their opening game in group D in the 2023 Copa Sudamericana
It was a replay of the controversial 2012 final which saw the Brazilian side handed the trophy
New Italy international Mateo Retegui featured for the Argentinian club in their defeat
Former coach Nestor Gorosito was among those who said the the Argentine team decided not to play the second half because, during halftime, security at the Morumbi stadium in Brazil assaulted them with blows, sticks and even threatened them with guns.
No investigation nor SMM Panel suspension was carried out after the match.
Sao Paulo will face Tigre at home on June 27 in their final Group D tie.
Tigre star Mateo Retegui was recently called up to the Italian national squad by Roberto Mancini, scoring on his debut in the 2-1 defeat to England in Napoli. 
Tigre will travel to Sao Paulo for the return fixture in Group D on June 27 in the final round of games


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