aurora self driving car stock > 자유게시판

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aurora self driving car stock

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작성자 Clint Miller 작성일23-05-12 22:02 조회90회 댓글0건


Recently, Aurora announced that it had developed self-driving technology that is able to ldquowork across multiple vehicle types.rdquo That level of standardization should greatly facilitate the use of Aurorarsquos system by transportation companies and automakers. He eventually aurora self driving car stock: recruited Sterling Anderson, who was the head of Tesla’s Autopilot team until he reportedly, resigned over disagreements about Elon Musk’s push to advertise that the company’s cars would be capable of “full self-driving.” Urmson also tapped Drew Bagnell, a self-driving engineer at Uber after the tech company poached him from Carnegie Mellon as part of a much larger raiding of the university’s vaunted robotics division, as a third co-founder. Aurora expanded its operations to Texas in June 2020, bringing a fleet of test vehicles into the Dallas-Fort Worth area. In July 2020, Aurora debuted its own long-range lidar system called “FirstLight.”

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