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Answers about Elevations

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작성자 Rachelle 작성일24-04-07 10:21 조회1,339회 댓글0건


Montreal was named after the only mountain in Montreal ; Mount Royal, which is mont réal in French.

"You want to get to that level where the other teams have to talk about you." "These games matter, and I think we're trying to be good pros, come to the rink every day and dial in our structure and our systems, and that's the goal," Gallagher said.

"I feel like (the Hurricanes) have also built up their game through the years, and that's what we're trying to do," Montreal rookie forward Juraj Slafkovsky said. "I feel like we're going in the right direction."

"They're important for us to continue to work on that (identity) and hit the ground running next year." "We're not going to be in the playoffs here, but these games matter," Canadiens forward Brendan Gallagher said.

The rest of the week won't get any easier for the Canadiens, who are scheduled to host the Tampa Bay Lightning on Thursday and the Maple Leafs on Saturday before playing at the New York Rangers on Sunday.

Things happen in the playoffs, which are not always comfortable, and I feel like this team has very good character and a close group of guys." "It means a lot to have a lot of guys who've gone deep in the playoffs and Jazz Festival know how to come back in a game, like never give up.


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