Are You Responsible For The Coffee Beans Budget? 12 Ways To Spend Your Money > 자유게시판

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Are You Responsible For The Coffee Beans Budget? 12 Ways To Spend Your…

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작성자 Maribel 작성일24-04-08 09:46 조회8회 댓글0건


Choosing the Best Coffee Beans

Selecting the best coffee beans is a crucial decision for anyone who loves this delicious beverage. There are a variety of ways to pick your coffee. From focusing on fair trade and sustainability to choosing different roasts.

Geisha beans are among the most loved by world barista champions, and Ethiopian Harrar is also a favorite. The beans are reputed for their sweet aroma and flavor with hints of berries.

1. Koffee Kult Dark Roast Coffee Beans

Koffee Kult, an artisan company, roasts its beans fresh when you place an order. They make use of a dark roast that's smooth and rich but without bitterness. It's a great choice for cold brew and works well in a French Press. You'll be comfortable buying it as it's certified organic and shade-grown. A portion of the proceeds is used to plant trees in the Mindo Cloud Forest, which reduces CO2 and creates habitats for other animals and plants.

The beans they use come from small farms that pay their employees the right amount of money. They also source Ethiopian Harrar beans that have rich flavor and notes of berries and cinnamon. They also add another crack during the roasting process to give their coffee a stronger body.

Koffee Kult roasts their coffee to order and delivers it the next day. They even mark the roast date and best by date on the package so that you know how fresh it is. The beans are then put inside a resealable plastic bag that will keep them fresh for several weeks.

2. Atlas Coffee

Atlas Coffee Club is a subscription that delivers freshly roasted specialty-grade, single-origin coffee to your doorstep. They roast beans to order, so they are fresh when you receive them. They also collaborate directly with the cooperatives and farms from which their coffee is sourced. The company emphasizes sustainability and ethically sourced products, as well as educating their customers about the rich history and culture of each blend of their coffee.

Each shipment of beans arrives in a colorful "travel package" with a design inspired by the country 250g of Freshly Roasted Medium Arabica Coffee Beans origin. The package allows customers to experience the distinct flavors that vary from country to nation. For instance, Ethiopian brews might offer notes of berries and red fruit and an Indonesian brew might have earthier herbal notes.



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