Are Kimbo Extra Cream Coffee Beans 1kg The Most Effective Thing That Ever Was? > 자유게시판

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Are Kimbo Extra Cream Coffee Beans 1kg The Most Effective Thing That E…

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작성자 Deborah 작성일24-05-25 07:57 조회5회 댓글0건


Kimbo Extra Cream Coffee Beans 1kg

lavazza-qualita-oro-coffee-beans-ideal-for-bean-to-cup-machine-and-a-filter-coffee-machine-with-fruity-and-flowery-aromatic-notes-100-arabica-intensity-5-10-medium-roast-1-kg-14047.jpgThis is the workhorse bean in Kimbo's range. It is sturdy and reliable. This Robusta/Arabica blend from Brazil, Central America, and Asia is medium-roasted in its profile. It has a wonderful crema and is excellent in Lattes, Cappuccinos, and Flat Whites.

It has a deliciously dense and slightly sweet Crema that brings together an incredible flavor.

Product Description

This Neapolitan roaster's espresso extra cream blend is most loved due to its strong flavor and rich crema. The blend is a mix of Arabica from Central America and South America, and Robusta from India. It has a sweet, fruity taste with hints of spices and liquorice. It is ideal for making in the fully automatic coffee machine, both as espresso or with milk-based drinks such as cappucino and macchiato latte.

This blend of top-rated coffees is the ideal base for the original Italian Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato, as well as a superb espresso. This coffee is the base for the well-known Italian specialty drinks made of coffee. It has a delicious aroma and a slightly sweet crema. This is a medium-roasted blend of beans from Brazil, Central America and Asia with a balanced body that is suitable for all palates.


Kimbo Extra Cream is an aromatic blend of coffee beans with a medium roast. This classic Neapolitan coffee is a great choice for a dense crema and is perfect for Latte, Cappuccino or other milk based drinks. The aromas and flavors are delicate and smooth. The flavor is pleasant and slightly sweet.

This blend is a favorite by baristas who are professionals and is perfect for milk-based coffee. It has a smooth taste and hits the sweet/acidity point. With a consistent crema and balanced aroma, it is the perfect coffee to make smooth lattes and cappuccinos. It also produces an incredibly flavorful, delicious espresso.

Kimbo coffee beans are carefully chosen and blended to produce the highest quality coffee beans uk 1kg. The 1kg pack is perfect for offices or homes.

The packaging is made from recycled materials and is fully biodegradable. This helps reduce our environmental impact and is an excellent method of recycling.

We are committed to delivering top quality products to our customers. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please contact us to discuss the possibility of returning or exchanging your product. We will be happy to help.


The roasting process is a precise and delicate art. Only the finest raw materials are used to create a perfectly balanced product with a long-lasting, intense crema that makes the difference. The result is an espresso that has an incredibly sweet taste and a pleasant aroma. It's ideal for preparing traditional espressos, cappuccinos and Latte Macchiato.

This special blend of coffee beans from Brazil, Central America, and Asia has a medium roast. This makes it perfect for milk-based coffee creations and is a popular choice among professional baristas. The harmony between Arabica and Robusta beans produces a decisive but delicate flavor that has an aroma that is sassy. The perfect quantity of Robusta beans allows the creation of a delicious, rich crema that adds flavor to the coffee and gives it an intense body. This rich and fragrant blend also has a moderate caffeine content which makes it the perfect espresso for those who want a little less energy in their morning cup of coffee.

Roasted in the style of classic Italian coffees This blend is a must-have for every coffee lover. The distinctive, slightly sweet flavor and Coffee beans uk 1kg aroma of this blend result of a meticulous selection and a skilled roasting of the raw materials in Naples. Kimbo Extra Cream is the ideal mix for traditional Italian cappuccino and latte macchiato, and also for espressos with a deliciously balanced flavor.

Kimbo Extra Cream represents the finest of traditional espresso and is the most renowned of professional Neapolitan coffee. The distinctive and enchanting flavor is the defining characteristic for a city in which coffee is not just a beverage, but a way of living. It's a moment to be shared.


The result of a meticulous selection of the raw materials, Kimbo Extra Cream strikes an ideal balance between sweetness and acidity. This blend is a masterpiece of art that has a thick crema and a balanced body.

This blend is the primarystay of the Kimbo range. It's a powerful espresso base that punches through milk and is excellent in lattes and cappuccinos. Kimbo is a must have for coffee shops who want to add a touch of Italian magic to their coffee offerings.

Kimbo is a perfect coffee to prepare espresso in fully automated coffee machines and as an ingredient in milk-based coffee drinks like cappuccino or macchiato latte. The high proportions of Robusta produce a creamy, delicious espresso. Its balanced taste profile is a popular choice for coffee drinkers.

our-essentials-by-amazon-house-blend-coffee-beans-1kg-rainforest-alliance-certified-previously-solimo-brand-164.jpgThe Kimbo Espresso Bar is an aromatic espresso with a long-lasting, creamy crema as a result of a superb blend of Arabica and Robusta beans. It has a fruity and sweet taste with spicy notes, vanilla hints and a hint of vanilla. It has a moderate amount of caffeine, so it can be enjoyed many times a day without feeling too excited. It is Best coffee beans 1kg served it in an enormous glass so that you can take in the scents.


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회사명. (주)밀레니엄씨앤씨 대표. 김대운
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사업자등록번호. 106-85-23725 사업자정보확인
통신판매업신고번호. 2009-서울용산-0458 



서울시 용산구 원효로 56길 11, 1층(원효로2가)
평일 : 09:00 ~ 18:00 / 토요일 : 09:00 ~ 13:00
개인정보관리책임자. 장춘근


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